General information

This site ( uses cookies to improve its features and services.

A cookie is a small text file that is transmitted by a website to your browser. Your browser stores this file for a certain amount of time and sends it back to the website every time you visit it.

Today, almost all websites use cookies to work properly. For example, a web shop can use cookies to save your client number, the items currently saved in your basket, an identifier used to compile statistics, etc.

There is a difference between session cookies and persistent cookies:

- Session cookies are used to ensure that a website works properly. The term “session” refers to the length of time that you are connected to a website. Session cookies are deleted from your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.) when you close the tab or your browser’s window. They are often necessary for the website to work properly and cannot be denied.

- Persistent cookies are stored by your browser for a longer period when you close the tab or window. They contain, among other pieces of information, the name of the site’s server, a unique identifier made up of a string of numbers, and an expiration date. The unique identifier allows the website to recognize your browser during this period of time.

You can decide for yourself, through the settings of your browser, whether a website can store cookies in your browser. In these same settings, you can, at any time, delete cookies that have already been stored.

However, some features of the website could be limited or deactivated if you do not accept cookies. It is therefore recommended to change your browser’s settings to accept cookies.

Your browsers settings

The settings in your browser regarding cookies vary from one browser to another. To find out more, you can visit the following links:



